Jonas Ellison
Jonas is a Lutheran priest, contemplative Christian, and purveyor of sacred space. He writes and shares regularly at his Substack newsletter, Along the Way, and lives in Aptos, California.
Kind Words From the Back Pew
If I had read Jonas's writing when I was much younger I might never have become a Pagan! 🤗
- Elizabeth Ann Curran
I read Jonas's posts almost every day. I love how he articulates things. I’ve lived my whole life in a religious setting where God was always angry. I've been to many different churches and have never encountered the train of thought that Jonas holds.
- Ramona J.
The God that Jonas shares sounds wholesome, loving, and beautiful. And truly graceful. Rather than the “I will give you grace, love you always, never forsake you. Oh wait- unless you don’t follow these rules, in which case I will have to deny you were ever mine, and instead send you to burn in eternal damnation” God that I was introduced to at birth. Reading his work brings a comfort I can’t explain.
- Cyndi R.
Jonas is a rebel without being an asshole. Christianity is not “holiness”. It is honesty. And he has it.
- Rip P.
Have something to say or ask? Want me to come to do a workshop, speak, listen, and/or juggle (3 items, max - and no chainsaws) at your event, church, tavern, coffee shop, garage, or basement? Care to propose your undying love? Here's where you can let 'er rip (within reason).